About Us
Established in 2002.American petro corporation has been formulating
and manulacturing lubricants,metalworking fluids related products for
over 16 years The transferthrough the years within worlds industrial
age has led the LUBRICANTS,companys focus to evolve from turbine oils
to varlous engine oils,to textile lubricants,and over the last so years
to metalworking fluids,lubicants.
This breadth expertise,and longevity has allowed to develop
into acompany with skilled employees,experieced and knowledge.
able sales and lab perosonal,and practical application of modern man.
ufacturing techniqes.
lubricants HISTORY
THE lubricants company was founded and managed by the
family member until now when it was acquired by skilled management.
With in manufacturing our production allow to meet commit.
ment to customer satisfaction and innovative product design and rede.
sign they have grown the organization into a multimillion doller corop.
Our Vision
Ration supporting manufacturers in the mid ,atlantic region. Today lubricants export their all products type around more then 20 countries intense customer loyalte. product quality,and continued development of innovative products and packaging to allow our customers to compare in todays global marketplace. LABORATORIES,RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT our large laboratory database of original lubricants are assured that the ordered product is available in the delivered package.furthermore,we are,with our manu- facturers,directly deeply involved in the manufacturing process to the customer.This practical experiance has been used for decades with our advice lubricant directly to the machain.oil analyzes are"assistance systems" that only give ahint.competence.